Adult Tennis Lessons

 Tennis Lessons by IF Tennis Academy in Idaho Falls, ID.  Tennis Lessons by IF Tennis Academy in Idaho Falls, ID.

Come Experience Our Adult Tennis Lessons in Idaho Falls

Get ready to add new strokes, improve your game and have a great time in our Adult Tennis Lessons.

At our IF Tennis Academy tennis lessons, you'll hit plenty of balls, meet other players, and enjoy lots of playing time. We work to improve your existing shots and add plenty of new ones during tennis drills that will keep you moving. We can help simplify and improve your playing style: your grip, stance, footwork, and court movement. We show you how to attack and defend holes in the court, and apply and defend against spins, drops and lobs.

We use live ball point-play in our adult tennis lessons, with no ball machines, so you can try out your new skills. We use continuous play, so you can work on your game in a fun, high-energy environment.

Tennis Lessons Price

Private Tennis Lessons - $30.00/hr

Semi Private Lessons - $15.00/hr

Winter Lessons - add indoor fee $25.00/1.5 hrs

Tennis Shots Covered

Forehands, Backhands, Volleys, Approach shots, Overheads, Serves and Return of Serve

These clinics are designed to improve technique and consistency.

Advanced Tennis Shots

Spins, Drops, Half-volleys, Top-spin Lobs

Doubles Team Strategies

We work with tennis doubles partners and USTA teams to improve their results using advanced Doubles Strategies.
  • Maintaining the 10 ft tether
  • Taking advantage of the sun and wind
  • Creating, attacking, and defending gaps
  • Serve and return strategies
  • Signaling and planned poaching
  • How to win with mismatched levels
  • Executing and covering lobs
  • Putting opponents under pressure
  • Knowing which player should cover it

Singles Strategies and Drills

Some players prefer the intensity of playing singles. We have special drills and activities to improve their skills and match results.
  • Serve and return placement
  • Controlling the center of the court
  • Creating, attacking, and defending gaps
  • How to win against higher ranked opponents
  • Putting opponents under pressure by shrinking your side of the court
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IF Tennis Academy

Idaho Falls, ID


© 2024 IF Tennis Academy